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Showing posts with the label causes of dysentery

What is Dysentery?

  Introduction to Dysentery Dysentery is a type of gastrointestinal infection that causes inflammation of the intestines, specifically the colon. This condition leads to severe diarrhea, often accompanied by blood or mucus in the stool, stomach cramps, fever, and dehydration. Dysentery is typically caused by bacterial or parasitic infections, and it can be highly contagious, spreading through contaminated food, water, or contact with infected individuals. It is important to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for dysentery to manage the condition effectively and prevent complications. Types of Dysentery There are two primary types of dysentery: bacillary dysentery and amoebic dysentery. 1. Bacillary Dysentery:       o Caused by bacteria such as Shigella, which invade the intestines and cause severe inflammation and infection. Bacillary dysentery is the more common form of dysentery and is typically transmitted through contaminated food or ...