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Showing posts with the label what is G6PD deficiency

G6PD Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

  Hey there, welcome to my blog where I share useful information about various health topics. Today, I'm going to talk about a condition that some of you may not have heard of, but it affects millions of people around the world. It's called G6PD deficiency, and it can cause a type of anemia that can be triggered by certain foods, medications, infections and stress. Let's dive in and learn more about this condition, its causes, symptoms, and how to manage it. What is G6PD deficiency? G6PD stands for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which is an enzyme that helps red blood cells function properly and protects them from damage. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, and they have a lifespan of about 120 days. When they get old or damaged, they are removed by the spleen and replaced by new ones. However, in people with G6PD deficiency, they have a genetic mutation that makes them produce less or abnormal G6PD enzyme. This me...